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The main purpose of this project is to provide open source opsi packages via an easy to use public/restricted opsi Repository. To simplify the creation of opsi packages we are using some custom build scripts that will automatically build all the packages for us.
To raise bugs found in the packages, learn more about the project or even get involved, you can:
At the heart of this tool are Tickets. They provide the means to record information about a task, bug or feature request.
To Install this packages on your opsi installation you have to add this repository to your opsi system Install the Repository
For a complete list of local wiki pages, see TitleIndex.
To help with the ongoing opsi packs creation we need your [Donate help)]]
For commercial opsi support please contact [ Opsi Support or its Partners)]] Some of the Packages in this Repository require functionallity that are still not refinanced so to support the development of opsi buy them [ here)]] Application Whitelisting with OPSI Integration
The Go Opsi Development Server is graciously sponsored by
Program code contribution by DT Netsolution GmbH
Advanced Installer is used to repackage Open Source and Freeware Software into an easy to use msi install package